Checklist Pool Safety Tips Prevent Injury
Safety Tips for Responsible Pool Ownership
Checklist: Pool Safety Tips to Help Prevent Drowning or Injury
If you own a pool, you are responsible for its maintenance and security, including that of any person that might come in contact with it.
Drowning can cause serious injuries and death, including long-term injury possibly leading to lawsuits seeking damages for medical costs and pain and suffering.
Keep these safety tips in mind to prevent drowning and submersion injuries, as compiled by the McMinn Law Firm.
The site provides the following information:
- 66% of reported submersion fatalities involved children younger than 5 years of age
- 85% of fatalities of children less than 5 years of age occurred in residential locations
- Newly-mobile children between the ages of 12 to 35 months represented 64 percent of the 2008 fatalities
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Always Know Where The Children Are
This might sound like Caretaking 101, but most submersion incidents happen when a child is thought to be somewhere else. Always know where children are spending their time if they are near a pool or have access to one.
Get Certified In CPR
Part of responsible pool ownership or authority is knowing how to respond to a crisis. Find a Red Cross chapter near you to receive CPR certification.
Access To Phones
Always keep a landline or a charged phone in the vicinity of a pool for use in the event of an emergency.
Use The Safety Cover All Year
Though it might seem unsightly, using the safety cover year round is yet one more barrier to prevent submersion injuries or death.
Implement Saftey Locks
If you own a pool, or are responsible for children near a pool, ensure that the pool area is properly fenced with safety locks. If a fence is not an option, consider inside safety locks on doors and windows leading to the pool as a common child-proofing mechanism.
Don't Drink And Swim
The CDC says alcohol use is involved in up to 70% of deaths of adolescents and young adults in water, and almost a quarter of emergency room visits related to drowning.
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